full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue soft power

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But, the fact still is that it's not just that. In order to have soft power, you have to be connected. One might argue that India has become an astonishingly connected country. I think you've already hread the figures. We've been selling 15 million cellphones a month. Currently there are 509 million cellphones in Indian hands, in India. And that makes us larger than the U.S. as a teephlone market. In fact, those 15 million chlpeelnos are the most connections that any country, icdiunnlg the U.S. and China, has ever ebsealhtsid in the history of telecommunications.

Open Cloze

But, the fact still is that it's not just that. In order to have soft power, you have to be connected. One might argue that India has become an astonishingly connected country. I think you've already _____ the figures. We've been selling 15 million cellphones a month. Currently there are 509 million cellphones in Indian hands, in India. And that makes us larger than the U.S. as a _________ market. In fact, those 15 million __________ are the most connections that any country, _________ the U.S. and China, has ever ___________ in the history of telecommunications.


  1. established
  2. cellphones
  3. telephone
  4. heard
  5. including

Original Text

But, the fact still is that it's not just that. In order to have soft power, you have to be connected. One might argue that India has become an astonishingly connected country. I think you've already heard the figures. We've been selling 15 million cellphones a month. Currently there are 509 million cellphones in Indian hands, in India. And that makes us larger than the U.S. as a telephone market. In fact, those 15 million cellphones are the most connections that any country, including the U.S. and China, has ever established in the history of telecommunications.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
soft power 5
million cellphones 3
cell phones 3
dial tone 2
lightning call 2
cell phone 2
hot day 2
market town 2
indian restaurants 2
indian story 2

Important Words

  1. argue
  2. astonishingly
  3. cellphones
  4. china
  5. connected
  6. connections
  7. country
  8. established
  9. fact
  10. figures
  11. hands
  12. heard
  13. history
  14. including
  15. india
  16. indian
  17. larger
  18. market
  19. million
  20. month
  21. order
  22. power
  23. selling
  24. soft
  25. telecommunications
  26. telephone